Cronica de film: Public Enemies

Ma asteptam ca Michael Mann sa faca o figura frumoasa cu noul lui film. Si mi-a depasit asteptarile...Un film care face ceea ce orice film ar trebui sa faca: te decupeaza din realitate pentru doua ore. Mann isi consolideaza din ce in ce mai bine stilul de cadre unice, extrem de reale, sincronizate cu tensiunea scenariului. Sunetul e si el unic, tipic pentru Michael Mann, sunetul doare. Daca aveti norocul ( si e recomandat chiar) sa vedeti filmul cu sunet digital, o sa simtiti gloantele cum trec pe langa galeata de popcorn si intra in scaun. Daca AC-ul din sala nu functioneaza va fi compensat de otelul rece.
Mi-a placut mult Depp, foarte smecher ca de obicei. Si, legat de el si John Dillinger, ce mai tare parte a filmului e cum sa cuceresti definitiv o femeie in doar cateva replici:
BB: And what do you do?
JD: I'm catching up... Meeting somebody like you: dark and beautiful, like the bird in this song.
BB: What is it exactly what you do?
JD: I'm John Dillinger. I rob banks.
BB: Why did you tell me that? You could have made up a story.
JD: Well, I'm not gonna lie to you.
BB: That's a serious thing to say to a girl you've just met.
JD: I know you.
BB: Well, I don't know you. I haven't been any place...
JD: Well, in some of the places I've been is hard. Where I'm going, a lot better. Wanna come along?
BB: Boy, you are in a hurry...
JD: If you were looking at what I'm looking you would be in a hurry too.
BB: It's me they're looking at this time.
JD: You're beautiful!
BB: They're looking at me because they're not used to having a girl in their restaurant in a 3$ dress...
JD: Listen, doll... That's 'cause they're all about where people come from. The only thing important is where somebody's going.
BB: Where are you going?
JD: Wherever I want!
JD: “I'm never gonna run out on you ever again!” Say the words!
BB: No…
JD: Well, I'm never gonna run out on you and that's a promise!
BB: Why did you do that?
JD: 'Cause you're with me now.
BB: I don't know anything about you.
JD: I was raised on a farm in Mooresville, Indiana. My momma died when I was three. My dad beat the hell out of me 'cause he didn't know a better way to raise me. I like baseball, movies, good clothes, fast cars, whiskey and you. What else you need to know?
Cazier original Dillinger - arhiva FBI
Telegrama trimisa de agentul Purvis catre directorul FBI, Hoover, raportand evadarea lui Dillinger